Thursday, April 7, 2011

Memory Secret: Memorizing the 66 Bible Books -- In and Out of Order!

Pick Any Number Between 1 and 66

It's a simple process to know the EXACT number of any book of the Bible. If you name a number between 1 and 66 I can tell you what book it is in the Christian Bible. Or, if you tell me a name of a book I can easily tell you what book it is numerically -- either out of the 66 books of the entire Bible or the 27 books of the New Testament.

Memory "Vainglory"?

While it makes a great memory feat, it is a practical application. If I asked you to turn to the book of Habukkuk, could you find it without fumbling or feeling embarassed by looking at the Bible index? How about Hosea? Amos? Jude?  You see, it comes in handy knowing the order of the books and it's a cool memory feat!

Here's the "Secret"

In order to learn a list in or out of order, you must know the Major System or Phonetic Alphabet. This mnemonic device turns hard to remember "intangible" numbers into concrete, easy to remeber words or phrases.  All that is left to do is to associate or "Link" the numbers (which are now words) to the books of the Bible you want to remember (all 66 Old and New Testament Books).

By following this process, you can easily learn all 66 books of the Bible in one day -- in and and out of order!

If you'd like to get started, read how to begin memorizing the books of the Bible in Super Memory: How to Memorize the 66 Books of the Bible Quickly and Easily!

Other books by Blair W. Kasfeldt:

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