
Friday, July 13, 2012

Learn Biblical Hebrew with "The Triad System" and Maximize Your Memory!

Biblical Hebrew Made Easy: The Triad System

Now Available for Pre-Order in Print Edition! Instant PDF Download Available!

Nearly four years in development, The Triad System is complete. This is a complete memory system for learning the Biblical Hebrew verbal system and much more!

Based on timeless principles taken from "the art of memory," students will now be able to master the Hebrew verb inflections and more without rote memory drilling!

If you have not taken Hebrew yet, or have but failed to learn the Hebrew language this system is a "must-have" for your library!

The Cost of Not Learning "The Triad System"

At the undergraduate level, one semester of Hebrew costs $1,185.00 at a Wisconsin University. If you fail to learn the language, you have just thrown $1,185.00 away! What a terrible waste! The worst part? It's not even your fault if you failed to learn! You were not given the proper tools to succeed!

Even worse, consider that graduate study courses in Hebrew cost $500 or more per credit. That means one semester of Hebrew, for a three credit course costs $1,500! Investing a fraction of that cost to assure your success in acquiring the Hebrew language is a wise investment. 

Success by Memory, Not Working Harder

The Triad System will help you to succeed, even if you have failed to learn the language previously.

The reason you may have failed to learn Hebrew (or any other language) was not because of lack of intelligence. It is because you have never been taught how to memorize properly. The lion's share of learning any language is memory

In particular "dead" languages like Classical (Biblical) Hebrew, Koine Greek or Latin require a great deal of memory work since your primary interaction with the language will be in writing.

Failure by Rote = Failure by "Modern" Memory

In grade school you learned many things with the assistance of "mnemonics" or memory aids. How did you learn your A-B-C's? With song and rhyme. How did you learn the colors of the rainbow?  ROY G BIV — an acronym. These things are memory aids, or mnemonics.

But when you got older, you put away these "childish" learning techniques. "Rote" memory was for big boys and girls. Fortunately for us, the "pre-moderns" did NOT dispense with such "childish" memory techniques — if they did much of the knowledge we have today would have perished. The oral tradition keep a vast amount of information available that was later written for our benefit.

The ancients had memories that we would not even be believed to be possible today — entire books and epochs were memorized by heart. Memorizing a single Psalm for the modern Christian is seen as an accomplishment today. Compare this to the fact that Christian monks knew the ENTIRE Psalter by heart. Some monks learned it in as little as six months. In fact, as early as the Second Council of Nicea in 787 AD, bishops were required to have the Psalter memorized.

No only were the religious trained in memory, but the laity alike. Part of education to the pre-modern was the inculcation of how to "learn by heart," or memorize. What memory training have you had in school? My guess is none. I want to help you overcome this handicap.

Ancient Wisdom Revealed

I have gone over the major works on memory, from the ancients to medieval memory treatises, and developed a simple yet highly effective method for learning Hebrew. I have seen nothing remotely similar to the system I have developed for learning Hebrew by heart. 

All the principles I have laid out for you in "The Triad System" are taken from time proven principles of memory. I have developed a unique method for you to quickly acquire the language assuring your success in Biblical Hebrew. 

This course is not academic. It is purely pragmatic. You WILL learn how to memorize quickly and effectively. You will not "cram" your short-term memory for success on the next exam, promptly to be forgotten. You WILL learn how to "imprint" your memory to retain the information forever.

By using this unique, simple and effective method you will be able to parse Hebrew verbs quickly and confidently. You will NOT have to run through "paradigms" starting at the 3rd person and working down to the 1st person. You will know INSTANTLY know what the answer is to any parsing question, in or out of order. 

Rote cannot take you where this system of memory can. 

What You Will Learn with The Triad System

For your small investment in your memory, you will:
  • Learn timeless principles for "learning by heart"
  • Learn how to memorize the Hebrew Alphabet
  • Learn how to memorize the different prefixes, suffixes and infixes for Hebrew
  • Learn the meanings of the Hebrew Verb Stems (Binyan)
  • Learn how to "format" your memory for instant recall
  • Much More!

Reserve Your Copy for a 25% Discount!

The print edition of "Biblical Hebrew: The Triad System" will be released in August, 2012. If you pre-order you will save 25% off the retail price of $49.00! This offer will end once the publication is released.

Pre-Order your copy TODAY and assure your success in learning Biblical Hebrew!

If you prefer to start learning NOW, you may also download the non-printable version for $39.00.

A Personal Note

May God bless you in your endeavors in learning Biblical Hebrew. It is my sincere desire that this system will make what may seem out of your reach, possible. If you are a "second career" seminarian or college student, I believe this system may well mean the difference between learning Hebrew and failing.

Having a learning disability myself, I know how difficult acquiring a new language can be. If I can do it, what is your excuse? Don't let an untrained memory stop you from learning God's word in its original language!  As Rev. Dr. Walter Maier III states, "Nothing but our best effort for our LORD..."


Blair Kasfeldt

P.S. Don't pass up your 25% savings by not pre-ordering! With this system you can be confident in your ability to learn Biblical Hebrew!

P.S.S. Vocabulary is a HUGE part of learning any language! Be sure to check out my resource on Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary!


  1. Blair ~

    I'm always looking for ways to help learners in the courses I teach in Biblical Hebrew - to gain mastery of the material. In the print material I read about your book, it seems you're marketing the basic forms of memorization/skill that have been published in other resources - not specific to Hebrew - and you've simply coupled various mnemonic aids from these fields with Hebrew.

    Is there anyway to sample your material for review so that I can know what I might be suggesting to any of the learners in my Fall 2012 Biblical Hebrew course?


  2. Your article about Hebrew language is really informative. I am beginner of learning Hebrew language . I have many useful resources , books, audio CD to learn Hebrew language . I have taken course which is Pimsleur conversational Hebrew method and i have achieved good command in Hebrew language.
